domingo, febrero 12, 2006

No tengo un mango

Hoy en el supermercado hice una elección de vida. Indeciso entre comprar o no comprar un Whisky J&B, me volqué por la negativa y en la góndola de verduras recogí un mango made in Argentina, a 4 "mangos" el kilo (con 4 mangos comprás un mango de 1 kilo). Para hacerla corta, me lo comí y me quedé sin un mango.
Luego chequié algunos datos sobre el mango y me llevé un par de sorpresas. Por de pronto, no es un fruto de palmera -es de arbol-, ni es exclusivo de los brasileros ni mucho menos. Su producción y consumo en el mundo son generalizados, tanto como para representar la mitad de todas las frutas en circulación. Etc.
El apartado de health fue el que encontré más saludable, y cito a continuación:

The fruit flesh of a ripe mango contains about 15% sugar, up to 1% protein, and significant amounts of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. These can include vitamins A, B and C. Mangos also contain an enzyme with properties that are similar to papain found in papayas. These proteolytic enzymes break down proteins and are effective meat tenderizers that are regularly used in tropical countries where mangoes are grown. The enzyme list contains magneferin, katechol oxidase, and lactase. Studies have shown that foods containing phenolic compounds have powerful antioxidant, anticancer, and anticardiovascular abilities. Mangoes possess the phenols quercetin, isoquercitfin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid, and methylgallat.[9]
Because of the mangos high iron content they are suggested for treatment of anemia and are beneficial to women during pregnancy and menstruation. People who suffer from muscle cramps, stress, and heart problems can benefit from the high potassium and magnesium content that also helps those with acidosis. It is also reputed that mangos soothe the intestines, which makes them easy to digest. In India, where mangoes are the national fruit, they are thought to help stop bleeding, to strengthen the heart, and to benefit the brain.

PD: No se traguen el carozo.

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